However, dozens of cavalry scouts waited until they arrived at the scheduled position, and then they didn’t react. They were already stared at by tank divisions, and it was not so easy to hide in the vast grassland.

More than a dozen heavy machine guns shot at cavalry scouts together, and dozens of people fell off their horses, not even their horses. One scout escaped and ran back because he was blocked by the scouts in front of him! At this time, Gamoshenko also found anomalies. Although there are many other artillery, it […]

This is also their responsibility to teach by example. The greater their parents’ achievements, the more they give their children a sense of superiority and subtle pressure.

I really want to say that the Wang Yong couple can’t be ordinary families because they usually go home late and don’t spend much time with their two children. But both of them are afraid that they have no reason. How much a person has achieved depends on his personality. Some people are happy when […]

Du Feng followed them all the way until they were out of the ten-mile range. Du Feng didn’t speed up the pace. Soon Du Feng chased this man. At this time, this man also found that someone was following her in the rear. She suddenly plunged into it and then disappeared. Du Feng Daqi hurried into it. As soon as he saw a small pit in the snow edge, he disappeared.

"Is it snowing?" Du Feng secretly muttered in his heart and pulled out a broadsword to stare at the snow edge. He said coldly, "If you don’t come out, I will chop this snow edge into seven pieces." Poof Du Feng suddenly felt a slight movement in the snow and bowed their heads and saw […]

At this moment, the black mosquito with six wings flies slowly and can’t help exclaiming, "Master … this is a fake treasure house, and the real treasure house is hidden on the other side, but if you want to open the real treasure house, you must need the Albizia bell. Now the Albizia bell is hidden here, but it is guarded by’ body discovered poison’!"

The six-winged black mosquito seems to fly around a dark box, which is where the acacia bell box is hidden and contains’ body discovered poison’. Body discovered poison’ is rare and highly toxic, and it can be regarded as the top poison in the world-it is said that the decaying body discovered in 10,000 years […]

"Before you may not be able to reach that point, but now you may not have to. Don’t forget that your appearance is strictly a thousand-handed bloodline, but it is not activated.

Uncle Yu Snake, if I didn’t say anything wrong, Uncle Snake would have transformed himself into a white snake, right? The white snake stands for rebirth and immortality, in other words, your growth is limitless. Uncle Snake, don’t blindly pursue those bloodlines. If I were you, I might as well pursue the ultimate white snake […]

Wensi tofu is a very classic Huaiyang dish made of tofu, mushrooms, vermicelli, etc. It is rich in protein and has therapeutic effects such as regulating arteriosclerosis and regulating blood sugar.

It’s not difficult to cook this dish, but it’s difficult to use a knife. I didn’t expect there to be so many people in the canteen in the workshop. When Shinohara fish looked aside, the young chef was also full of surprise. The chef automatically attributed this expression to shock and worship, but it was […]